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Karla Love

Karla is dedicated to giving face-to-face psychotherapy consultations in Mexico City, and online to hundreds of patients from different parts of the world; He also gives lectures on holistic wellness topics. Another of its missions is to train new therapists in different aspects of spiritual healing.


My experience

Bachelor's degrees


University of Queensland, Australia

International Business

University of Leeds,

United Kingdom

master's degree

International relations

Tech of Monterey,



Certificada como Terapeuta en Vidas Pasadas

Instituto Brian Weiss

Instituto Omega

Interests & Gifts

Therapy with Angels


Past Life Regressions


Progressions to Probable Futures

energy healing


My story

Karla is a psychotherapist graduated from the University of Queensland, Australia. He also studied International Relations at Tec de Monterrey, and has a master's degree in International Business from the University of Leeds, United Kingdom. Aside from these academic degrees, the consultations he provides integrate mental health, spiritual balance, and past life healing.

A unique characteristic in her is her gift of channeling with her patient messages from angels, from dimensions of love, and from beings that have already transcended. In her long journey in healing, Karla has confirmed that to live fully, it is essential to attend to the human being in an integral way; taking care of mind, body and spirit.

She serves the heavenly world as a channel to convey the miracles that these kinds of realms can manifest on Earth. When he was 6 years old, he attended a metaphysics course that reminded him of his spiritual contract for the awakening of consciousness. Three years later she attended a healing, yoga and meditation workshop for children. In this space, Karla received a clear message about her mission on Earth. When he opened his eyes after meditating, his companions made comments of astonishment, as he channeled an intense green color at the height of his chest and chin. Shortly after, he discovered that this color symbolizes healing and the Archangel Raphael.

The commitment she has with her patients has inspired her to live in constant learning. Some of her certifications are from great teachers like Brian Weiss, Doreen Virtue, Eric Pearl, and Francisco Cetina, among other wonderful healers who have trained her. In her free time Karla enjoys being with her loved ones, she loves to dance, paint, read, and exercise. Nature trips are her favorites, and she likes to explore cultures.

Since she was little she has been restless and outgoing. Perhaps her characteristic that best defines her is her infinite love for humanity,
that is why he dedicates his life to the awakening of consciousness.

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