My experience
Bachelor's degrees
University of Queensland, Australia
International Business
University of Leeds,
United Kingdom
master's degree
International relations
Tech of Monterey,
Certificada como Terapeuta en Vidas Pasadas
Instituto Brian Weiss
Instituto Omega
Interests & Gifts
Therapy with Angels
Past Life Regressions
Progressions to Probable Futures
energy healing

I serve the celestial world as a channel to transmit the miracles that these types of kingdoms can manifest on Earth. When I was 6 years old, I attended a metaphysics course that reminded me of my spiritual contract for the awakening of consciousness. Three years later I attended a healing, yoga and meditation workshop for children. In this space I received a clear message about my mission on Earth. Upon opening his eyes after meditating, my companions made comments of astonishment, as he channeled an intense green color at the height of his chest and chin. Shortly after, he discovered that this color symbolizes healing and the Archangel Raphael.

Do you want to fly hand in hand
of your angels ?
Contact me and I will accompany you
Carolina Beltrán Dingfelder
Gracias a Karla no solo ha disminuido mi miedo a volar, sino que he hallado una hermosa sincronía con este mundo físico y el espiritual, llenándome de experiencias mágicas aunque algunas han sido fuertes, celebro cada una de ellas pues han forjado mi relación con Ángeles, Arcángeles y con todos mis seres queridos.

Zyria Fernández De Lara
El hombre que vi en la progresión es ahora mi esposo. Tenemos 5 años juntos aprendiendo, evolucionando y expandiéndonos.
Gracias Karla por haber sido parte de esto tan bonito que estoy viviendo.